Postgraduate Researcher, Senegal
Mamadou is a specialist in coastal environment and risks and an expert in geomatics. He is based at the Unité de Recherche en Ingénierie culturelle et en Anthropologie (URICA) and IFAN-University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Laboratoire d’Archéologie. He holds a PhD from the Geography Department of Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor. His doctoral research focused on coastal dynamics, territorial recomposition and change, territorial development and coastal planning. This research and his experience in consultancy have allowed him to acquire a good command of cartography tools, GIS and acquisition software, spatial data processing, design and management of databases (use of GPS, Map source, GPS Babel from 2ArcGIS, Quantum GIS, Openstreetmap, JOSM, ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2, Mapsme, Earthexplorer, Envi 4, Stitchmap, Google Earth, Mymaps, Sphinx, Kobo, Excel, CSpro 6.3, etc.).
In my thesis, I used methodology based on various field work and geomatics approaches to assess the impacts of coastal erosion on coastal heritage. A cartographic and statistical approach (remote sensing and GIS) allowed me to calculate the historical variation rates of the coastline with the DSAS plugin through the interpretation of geospatial data (multi-date satellite images, aerial photographs, old cartographic documents). The application of these tools to archaeological heritage is very much part of my professional ambitions. In terms of the way I work, I very much enjoy finding solutions independently. You could say that I’m someone who doesn’t always find it easy to ask for help!
Outside of work, Mamadou enjoys discovery and cites his involvement with the MAEASaM project as being another example of the new adventures that he relishes.