Mapping Africa’s Endangered Archaeological Sites and Monuments is hosted by the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, which acts as the coordinating body and grant holder under the Principal Investigator, Professor Paul Lane.
The Co-Investigators in the project are a reflection of long-standing expertise in different regions of the continent: the British Institute in Eastern Africa (Jane Humphris); Université Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (Ibrahima Thiaw); University College London (Kevin MacDonald); Uppsala University (Daniel Löwenborg); University of the Witwatersrand (Amanda Esterhuysen) and University of York (Stephanie Wynne-Jones). As the project develops, it will continue to form collaborations with national authorities and heritage bodies in Africa, and also draw upon the diverse expertise of researchers based at the different participating institutions in Africa, the UK and Europe. MAEASaM also benefits from the expertise of an international Advisory Board.
Paul Lane, Principal Investigator -
Mahmoud Abdelrazek, Database Developer -
Tohamy Abulgasim, Researcher, Sudan -
Akinbowale Akintayo, Researcher, Tanzania -
Dana AlSalamin, Researcher -
Adama Athie, Researcher, Senegal -
Amanda Esterhuysen -
Jane Humphris -
Angela Kabiru, Researcher, Kenya -
Tshekiso Kgosietsile, Researcher, Botswana -
Faye Lander, Regional Project Manager -
Amy Leung, MAEASaM Administrator -
Kevin C. MacDonald, Co-I Mali -
Chris Matthews, MAEASaM Administrator -
Stefania Merlo, Project Manager -
Louis Monntero, Researcher, Mali -
Assane Ndiaye, Researcher, Senegal -
Éloïse Noc, Researcher, Mali/Senegal -
Pamela Ochungo, Researcher, Kenya -
Nicolas S. E. Sisset Sagna, Researcher, Senegal -
Ibrahima Thiaw, Co-I Senegal and Mali -
Renier van der Merwe, Researcher, Botswana -
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Co-I Tanzania
Previous Team Members
Ella Beaudoin, Social Media Coordinator -
Ed Burnett, Researcher, Sudan -
Mamadou Lamine Dieng, Researcher, Senegal -
Timothy Insoll, Co-I Ethiopia -
Nadia Khalaf, Researcher -
Russell Kapumha, Researcher -
Serge Kiala, Researcher, Southern Africa -
Manoj Lokare, Research Associate/Database Developer -
Daniel Löwenborg, Co-I Zimbabwe -
Elias Michaut, Researcher -
Ezekia Mtetwa, Researcher, Zimbabwe -
Mamadou Thior, Researcher, Senegal